Work with a partner.
Look at the objects again.
Why is each object important
in our everyday lives?

A light bulb is important
because it gives us light so
we can study when it's dark.​


Ответ дал: aubakirovaDaiana


1)A light bulb is important

because it gives us light so

we can study when it's dark.​

2)a charger is needed in order to charge the phone.

3)a heater is needed in order to keep warm.

4)the fan is used in summer as it is very hot in summer.

5)people use the faucet to drink water or wash something.

6)The plug is needed in order to connect the extension cord to the outlet.

7)A candle is used when there is a power outage in the house at night.

8)a switch is needed to turn off or turn on the light in the room.

9)matches are needed in order to light a gas stove or in order to make a fire.

10)the remote control is needed to switch television.


I apologize in advance if the answer is not correct(Заранее прошу прощения, если ответ неправильный)

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