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7. You are an Etonian and you are very proud of the college where you study. Write a
letter to your parents about your college (about 10 sentences). Use the plan.
1. The history of Eton College.
2. Eton today
3. Sports in the College.
4. Foreign languages in Eton.
5. College uniform.


Ответ дал: tbiedielov
Dear parent,
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I was too busy because of my new college, it is really huge and at first it was hard to remember where where I need to go, Also Eton College has a very interesting history! It was build by Etonian people in 1978, and now it is a state property.
Now it is a beautiful place where I can improve my skills, also I have found a lot of new friends here, and we are going to city centre on weekends. In Eton College a lot of place for different kinds of sport, like football, basketball, volleyball and tennis, by the way tomorrow at 5 p:m our football team will be playing versus another college, I hope we will win.
It is hard to study here because we have two new subject French and Germanisch language, that’s why I have 3 foreign languages includes English.
But also I have a bad news too, I have to wear College uniform, and it is really uncomfortable, in fact I think that we need it, but I hate college uniform.
See you later,
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