помогите с английским ❤️​



Ответ дал: gamedirectionofficia

Первый номер:

1 - f

2 - h

3 - e

4 - a

5 - g

6 - d

7 - c

8 - b

Второй номер:

2 - Do you work freelance? - No, I don't.

3 - Is your niece badly-paid? - Yes, she's.

4 - Is Ahmad often late? - Yes, he's.

5 - Does the film start at 6 p.m? - No, it doesn't.

6 - Do we have enough time? - No, we don't.

7 - Do your sisters like their presents? - Yes, they do.

8 - Do our jobs make us happy? - No, they don't.

9 - Are they nurses? - Yes, they're.

10 - Does she like this city? - No, she doesn't.

karina5751: Спасибо
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