Помогите с заданием, зарание спасибо)

Compose questions to the following sentences:
1)one of the most major problems of corrections today is the security threat group.
2)The Texas Prison System consists of eleven classified security threat groups.
3) Three main stages are recruitment the gang experience and affiliation upon release.
4)Recruiting efforts bghiti with the intake of the offender into the prison system.
5)The steps of recruitment vary from gang and consist of sponsorship,probationary period and a vote office place from fellow members.


Ответ дал: roseannabilli


Make up questions for the following sentences:

1) What is one of the biggest hotfix issues today?

2) How many secret security threat groups are there in the Texas prison system?

3) What are the three main stages?

4) Recruitment of bghiti efforts with the admission of the criminal into the prison system.

5) How are the stages of hiring different?

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