Поздравления с днём учителей по английскому языку ​


Ответ дал: abilkasimaruzan04


Congratulations to my aunt. I wish you good health and courage.

Аноним: Можете полный текст??
abilkasimaruzan04: From tireless teaching to teaching a child, ”said our great ancestor Abai. There is no limit to the education and example that you can critically introduce into the minds of the younger generation. You determine the future of young people, the seeds you sow today are the key to tomorrow's victory. The teacher forms not only future citizens, but the whole future citizens,bat the whole future socieity
abilkasimaruzan04: Given your immeasurable contribution to society and humanity, I wish you every success in your noble work for the education of the younger generation and your honorable work for the prosperity of the state. Let your exciting and challenging teaching journeys only begin to rise and grow.
abilkasimaruzan04: вот
Ответ дал: mendibaevaaisulu


We wish to our teacher

To shine bright like the sun,

To be from all the richies

On soul – the richest one!

Желаем нашей учительнице

Всегда счастливой быть

И на урок свой каждый

С улыбкой приходить!


С переводом

Вас заинтересует