Read the text and answer the question. Write only one word.

Who’s your hero?

Claire, 11 (England)

I’d like to tell about the boy who was badly injured when a dog had attacked his little sister in the street. But, fortunately, his brother didn’t let the dog to bite her because he started fighting with the angry animal. However, it could jump at him and hurt the boy’s lip. Doctors put 19 stitches in his lip. I’m very proud of him. The boy’s my real hero because he saved his sister from the mad dog. The brother showed how courageous a man could be. Tomorrow we’ll see him on the five-hour TV show. I can’t wait!

What adjective is used to describe the author’s tone when she admires the boy?

пж помогите,срочно!!!​

YasminaCAT: Срок сдачи работы сегодня, а я еще не сделала;)
satangaliyevam: неправильно
satangaliyevam: сияқты
satangaliyevam: я тож не могу у меня 78%%%
YasminaCAT: а какое там слово? В объяснении должно быть написано
satangaliyevam: ничего нет
YasminaCAT: Блин, как так?
YasminaCAT: Бесит аж
YasminaCAT: Это точно неправильно? Может слово неправильно написано...
satangaliyevam: да всё неправильно


Ответ дал: YasminaCAT


What adjective is used to describe the author’s tone when she admires the boy?

Answer: Courageous.

Я думаю, что так, правда не проверяла.

ShansharA: байдараз неверный
swonse: Мына екеунде жазамыз ба?
ShansharA: дұрыс емес
ShansharA: ок
amri2008albina: Courageous_________это правильна сама провряла
nura006: amri2008albina спасибо
aydanabetuganova: дұрыс рахмет
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