Read the text and answer the following questions.
How were grandmother's letters found?
When were they written?
What were the letters about?
What can you learn about grandmother's family
from these letters?
What is the author's attitude to letter writing and
By Sandy Hall
After living in the same house for over forty years my
grandmother has come to live with us, which is great, because
I really like her. Last week we moved all her stuff, and it was
crazy! I don't think she's thrown anything out for ...
well, for
forty years.
Down in the basement we found six boxes of letters, and grandma and I have read through
them together. One box is just letters that she and her parents sent to each other when she was
in college. There must be hundreds of them. She used to write every week telling them about
the bad cafeteria food and about how her roommate talked in her sleep. And they wrote back
telling her about her little brother and their dog. A lot of things like that. But they also wrote
to tell her how proud they were of her, because she was the first person in their family to go
to college. And she wrote to say she was homesick, but she knew college was changing her life.
And she was right, because she eventually became a doctor!
Reading those letters made me think it's too bad that we don't write letters anymore.
My sister's in college now, and she sends e-mails almost daily, and we send e-mails back. But
it's just not the same, is it?
Letters from the past​


Ответ дал: d52dmitry


1. Down in the basement while moving all her staff.

2. About 40 years ago.



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