Make up a story, answering the questions:

Даю 20 баллов срочноо помогитее
Where did you go last time? When?

Who did you go with?

How did you get there?

Where did you stay?

How long were you there?

Did you have good weather?

What did you do during the day?

Did you have a good time?

Did you have any problems?​


Ответ дал: nera9599

1.We went camping in the local forest

2.We went there last weekend

3.We got there by dad's car

4.I went with my whole family

5.We made a campfire and fried marshmallows

6.We spent 7 hours there

ajzereusken02: а можешь из этих слов составить эссе
ajzereusken02: почему только 6
ajzereusken02: там 8 вопросов
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