1) My grandmother usually goes to the shop to buy some magazines. She (love/read) them

2) Aslan never buys clothes because he( hate/shop)

3) My boyfriend (not like/chat) on the phone

4) We (not mind/do) the housework

5) i (love/play) piano

6) -do you like horror films?
-No, but i (not mind /watch) The Ring with you

7) He always goes to bed at 3a.m so he( hate/ get up) early

8) Amanda always buys Bounty because she ( love/eat) chocolates

9) My daughter (not like/ play) with Barbie dolls. So we never buy them. ​


Ответ дал: GreyBoar


1 loves reading 2 hates shopping 3 doesn't like chatting 4 don't mind doing 5 love playing 6 don't mind watching 7 hates getting up 8 loves eating 9 doesn't like playing

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