Написать 5предлажений о тюльпанах на англиском​

louiselee1407: The tulips are very beautiful. They smell wonderful. Tulips can be of different colours. It can be red, yellow, orange and pink. I like tulips
Аноним: что это?
marattemirlan546: Не правильно составлено
marattemirlan546: Слово тюльпан на английскому будет по-другому


Ответ дал: ilichvoron


I plucked a tulip.

The tulip smells good.

A beautiful tulip is growing in the meadow.

The tulip is in a vase.

In the fall, the tulip withers.


louiselee1407: The tulips are very beautiful. They smell wonderful. Tulips can be of different colours. It can be red, yellow, orange and pink. I like tulips
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