Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. I'm bored. It (rain) for hours so I can't go out.

2. (you / use) my computer again?

3. My neighbour's children (argue) all morning.

4. You (not study) for the maths exam.

5. Mel looks really tired. (she / work) all night?

6. The kitchen's a mess because we (make) a birthday cake for Dad.'

7. I (read) an interesting book about the history of computers.

8. Jim (not do) his homework. He's been texting his friends.

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Ответ дал: feyamirinapaxtag

Present perfect continuous tense:

To be + have/has been + глагол + ing

1. I'm bored. It has been raining for hours so I can't go out.

2. Have you been using my computer again?

3. My neighbour's children have been arguing all morning.

4. You have not been studying for the maths exam.

5. Mel looks really tired. Has she been working all night?

6. The kitchen's a mess because we have been making a birthday cake for Dad.

7. I've been reading an interesting book about the history of computers.

8. Jim have not been doing his homework. He's been texting his friends.

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