Fill in: Return, please. - Here you are. - I'd like
two tickets to Manchester, please. - We'd like to
take the 9:30 am bus.
1 A: That's £36, please.
B: ....
2 A: What time would you like to leave?
B: ....
3 A: Hello. Can I help you?
B: ........
4 A: Single or return?


Ответ дал: BangeBo


1. A: That's £36, please.  (Конец диалога)

 B: Here you are.

2. A: What time would you like to leave?  (Вторая фраза)

   B: We'd like to  take the 9:30 am bus.

3. A: Hello. Can I help you?  (Начало диалога)

   B: I'd like  two tickets to Manchester, please.

4. A: Single or return?  (Третья фраза)

   B: Return, please.

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