Задание IV. Запишите готовое предложение, выбрав в скобках подходящее местоимение.
1. We have not got (a lot of/much) apples.
2. She has not got (a lot of/much) jam.
3. (This/These) cities are beautiful.
4. (How many/How much) ponies are there in the park?
5. There is (a/some) water in the bottle.
6. Is there (every/some) soup in the fridge? Yes, (there is/ there is no).
7. (This/These) goose is funny, is not he?
8. Do you hide (something/anything)?
9. He doesn’t know (nothing/ something/anything).
10. (That/Those) farmer has got a horse.


Ответ дал: forever1556

1. We haven't got a lot of apples.

2. She hasn't got much jem.

3. These cities are beautiful.

4. How many ponies are there in the park?

5. There is some water in the bottle.

6. Is there some soup in the fridge? Yes, there is.

7. This goose is funny, is not he?

8. Do you hide anything?

9. He doesn't know something.

10. Those farmer has got a horse.

Ответ дал: ciaromee

Much употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными, many — перед исчисляемыми, а выражение a lot of — может использовать как с неисчисляемыми так и с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе.

В единственном числе употребляется this, that, а these и those во множественном.

1. A lot of

2. Much

3. These

4. How many?

5. Some

6. Some, there is

7. This

8. Something

9. Anything

10. That

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