Сделать в Voice Passive
1. Normally they sweep this street every day, but nobody
swept it last week.

2. We build well over 1,000 new houses a year. Last year we
built 1,500 houses.

3. We serve hot meals till 10.30, and guests can order coffee
and sandwiches up to 11. 30.

4. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses and the conductors collect them and send them to the Lost Property Office.

5. You can't wash this dress, you must dry-clean it.

6. They are demolishing the entire block.

7. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

8. Passengers shouldn't throw away their tickets as inspectors
may check these during the journey.

9. Theyinvited Jack but they didn't invite Tom.

10. Has someone posted my parcel?​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Normally this street is swept every day, but it wasn't swept last week.

2. Over 1000 new houses are built by us a year . 1,500 houses were built by us last year.

3. Hot meals are served till 10.30 and coffee and sandwiches can be ordered up to 11.30 by guests.

4. All sorts of things are left in buses by passengers and they are collected and sent to the Lost Property Offic by the conductors.

5. This dress can’t be washed , it must be dry-cleaned.

6. The entire block is demolished ( by them).

7. My piano is being prepared at the moment.

8. The tickets shouldn‘t be thrown away by passengers as they may be checked during the journey by inspectors.

9. Jack was invited but Tom wasn’t.

10. Has my parcel been posted by anybody?

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