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Ответ дал: Dima2008zzz

1. how are you, Mr. brown? we are happy to welcome you to our restaurant 2. thank you for the invitation! 3. dear guests! welcome to our city! 4. good evening, ladies and gentlemen! 5. dear guests! we are glad to see you in our Resto - Rana! 6. I am at your service, sir 7. dear friends! we are happy to see you again! 8. nice to meet you. 9. good morning, dear friends! 10. I hope to meet you again. 11. how kind of you! 12. come again! 13. 13. I apologize for the trouble. everything is fine. nothing wrong. 14. goodbye. I wish you good luck! 15. "Hello, this is Peter brown. can I talk to ro - Bert?» - "I'm sorry, he's not home. what should I do?

Archie789: Resto-Rana? ro-Bert?
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