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упр 8



Ответ дал: valerichka2003
I was given two photos and tasked to compare them. In the first photo we can see a guy, who is snowboarding. In the second we can see a women , she is windsurfing.
The pictures have a lot in common. Both are featuring people in the process of doing sport, in both they seem to be enjoying themselves.
However, there is a significant difference between the two pictures. In the first one the guy is doing sport in winter, focused primarily on the snow and his desk, as opposed to the women in the second picture, who is enjoying the peace and comfort of the good weather , seemingly, focused more on the waves around.
I don't usually do sport, but if I had to, I'd not prefer to do it in the way depicted by the first photo. There are simply far more advantages of doing sport in winter. It’s cold and snowy. Sometimes it’s dangerous too. For example, an avalanche may come down or there may be frostbite if you stay in the cold for a long time. I like summer and warm weather, swimming and sunbathing
That is all I had to say.
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