Listen to the recording about a trip to
South America and put the events in
the correct order. )
The audio:
A Holiday in South America
The man saw the second biggest spider in
the world.
1 The man met penguins at the beach.
I The man went up to the top of the mountain.
The man spent his holidays in South
I The man saw crocodiles.​


Ответ дал: abairamov5


The man spent his holidays in South America.

The man saw crocodiles.

The man saw the second biggest spider in the world.

The man went up to the top of the mountain.

The man met penguins at the beach.

tolegenmadina: рахмат
tolegenmadina: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Аноним: cpc
Megabrain24: Thanks You
animeshnik31: Thanks but I don't know what you you welcome to come to the home I don't know if you ЧТО Я ТОЛЬКО ЧТО НАПИСАЛ
animeshnik31: ?))))
roza91845: правилно спс благодарю вас
Kfrim: ssssssppppppppppsssssss
brownLine: вэнк ю
aqniet10: Thank you very much!Good luck!And I want to say you are madman
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