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timo4ka013: Amanda had a math lesson today. She was confident because she had been studying for math all the previous day. The teacher asked Amanda to show the homework solution at the blackboard. She went out and showed everything. Thus, get a good grade.


Ответ дал: timo4ka013


Amanda had a math lesson today. She was confident because she had been studying for math all the previous day. The teacher asked Amanda to show the homework solution at the blackboard. She went out and showed everything. Thus, get a good grade.


Сегодня у Аманды был урок математики . Она была уверена в себе потому что готовилась к математике весь прошлый день. Учитель попросил Аманду показать решение домашнего задания  у доски . Она вышла и все показала. Тем самым получив хорошую оценку.

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