Сочинение на англиском языке о твоём доме (описание) мне не важно какая квартира на самом деле


Ответ дал: fratoxplay


I love my house very much. I feel very comfortable and calm in it. It is home to my most beloved, dear, and close-knit family.

What does the expression "my home" mean to me? It is not just the walls surrounding me, the ceiling above my head, and the floor below my feet. No, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing for me is the surrounding atmosphere in which we live.

We live in a small three-room apartment with two bedrooms. One of which belongs to me, and the second to my parents. There is a hall in which we gather in the evenings or on weekends with the whole family to talk and discuss interesting topics and watch TV. We also receive guests in the hall.


можно было просто воспользоваться переводчиком)

но ладно, на здоровье :)

arturkha579: спс лень было
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