Дам 58 балов
an outfit, a hang-out, to keep up with, a teacher's
pet, a gadget, pastime, vandalism, to be fond of
1 What school subjects are you fond of?
2 Do you know anyone who is a teacher's pet?
3 Do you keep up with the latest fashion trends?
4 What is your favourite hang-out?
5 Can you describe your favourite outfit?
6 Can you think of any examples of vandalism in
your school?
7 What is your favourite pastime?
8 Which gadget couldn't you live without?



Ответ дал: leonidkriksin
Outfit - одежда
A hang-out - тусовка, вечеринка
To keep up with - идти бок о бок, идти в ногу с
A teacher’s pet - любимчик учителя
Pastime - времяпровождение
Vandalism - вандализм
To be fond of - увлекаться

Im fond of Russian and English lessons
No, i dont
Yes, i do
I like to hang out with mu friends
I have a lot of outfits, so i can discrine one of them ( перечисляешь свою форму)
I like to read books on my past time
I cant live without my computer and telephone
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