помогите пожалуйста
1. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. I _______________ (not go) to Mary’s party next Saturday. I don’t have time. *
’m not going
don't go

Это обязательный вопрос.
2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. I’m sorry, he’s busy. He _______________ (talk) on the phone at the moment. *
’s talking
3 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Please turn the radio off! I _______________ (hate) rap music. *
1 балл
am hating
4 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Which _______________ (you / prefer): pop music or indie bands? *
1 балл
do you prefer
are you prefer
does you prefer
5 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. What _______________ (she / wear)? It’s a terrible colour! *
1 балл
are wearing
is she wearing
6 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. They _______________ (not work) on Thursdays. The shop is closed all day. *
1 балл
don’t work
isn't work
doesn't work
7 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. It often _______________ (rain) in the UK in March. *
1 балл
is raining
8. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.1 I really enjoy _______________ (watch) sport on television.. *
1 балл
to watch
9. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. We spent hours _______________ (cook) dinner. *
1 балл
to cook
10. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. They decided _______________ (go) to the USA this summer. *
1 балл
to go
11. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. I fancy _______________ (stay in) to watch a film this evening. How about you? *
1 балл
staying in
to stay in
is staying in
12. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. She expected _______________ (hear) from him, but he didn’t call her. *
1 балл
to hear
13. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. He’s very polite. He offered _______________ (carry) my bags *
1 балл
to carry
14. Complete the sentences. Use the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets. I finished _______________ (write) the essay at midnight. *
1 балл
am writing
to write
15. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. We _______________ (learn) to do karate for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. *
1 балл
16 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. He _______________ (not compete) in the race because his leg was broken. *
1 балл
don't complete
not completed
didn’t compete
17. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. ________ you _______ (do) the washing-up last night? *
1 балл
Did you
Did you do
Did you did
18. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Our team _______________ (score) three goals in the match, but we lost. *
1 балл
19 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. We _______________ (not have) school last week. It was the holidays! *
didn’t have
didn't had
20. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Who _______ she ________ (sail) across the Atlantic with? *
1 балл
does she sailed
did she sailed
did she sail


Ответ дал: yanap11
1. I’m not going
2. He’s talking
4. Do you prefer
5. Is she wearing
6. Don’t work
7. Rains
9. Cooking
10.to go
11. Staying in
12. To hear
13. To carry
14. Writing
15. Learned
16. Didn’t complete
17. Did you do
18. Scored
19.didn’t have
20. Did she sail
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