1. Complete the sentences with the past forms of the verbs in brackets.
1) Nelson Mandela (spend) twenty-seven years in prison. Before that, he
(be) a lawyer.
2) Abba (write) most of the songs in English. They (sell) millions of
records in the
70s and 80s.
3) John Lennon and Paul McCartney first (meet) at a party when they
(be) students.
4) Marilyn Monroe (change) her name before she (become) famous.
5) Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie (discover) radium. She
the Nobel Prize twice, in1903 and again in 1911.
6) Pablo Picasso (leave) Spain in 1904. He (live) in France for most
of his life. He (die) in 1973.


Ответ дал: samkoegor2804


Dies ib hes have morgon

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