3 Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста(письменно в тетради).

What is the title of the story?

Who is the author of the story?

Who are the main characters of the story?

What did they want to do?

What happened on their dangerous way?

What did they see?

What did they find?


Ответ дал: batume1870

1. Garry Potter

2. Joanne Rowling

3. Garry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Tom Riddle

4. In every part of book or film they saved Hogwarts.

5. On their way, tests of strength, friendship, courage and humanity are encountered. And every time they fought against Voldemort.

6. They seen white and dark magic

7. They find Garry's relatives, creestrajes, they love and family

Аноним: ты Поттероманка?
batume1870: Нет, просто у нас в те дни крутили Поттера на нескольких каналах, да и смотрела я его до этого, вот и решила о нём написать
batume1870: И у меня нет маний)
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