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In Russia we have school holidays in spring, in summer, in autumn and in winter. Our summer holidays are the longest, They usually begin in June and finish in August. School begins or B

in September. Russian schoolchildren say that they like their summer holidays very much. Many children spend their holidays in the country. Some boys and girls travel in Russia and abroad with their parents. Russia is a very big country, bigger than many coun tries in the world. There are a lot of interesting places in it.


Ответ дал: zamandinovd


In Russia we have school holidays in spring, in summer, in autumn and in winter.School begins or Bin September.Russian schoolchildren say that they like their summer holidays very much.Russia is a very big country, bigger than many coun tries in the world. There are a lot of interesting places in it.


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zamandinovd: но 5 балов это мало
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