Write the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 No sooner (we / eat) dinner than he got up and left. 2 Only once (l/ break) a promise in my whole life. 3 At no time (anyone / explain) what had happened. 4 Never before (she / meet) a more disagreeable man. 5 Rarely (anyone / be) so rude to me -I demand an apology! 6 In no way (he /trust) you after all your lies.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1) No sooner had we eaten dinner than he got up and left.

2) Only once have I broken a promise in my whole life.

3) At no time did anyone explain what had happened.

4) Never before had she met a more disagreeable man.

5) Rarely was anyone so rude to me - I demand an apology.

6) In no way will he trust you after all your lies.

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