Раскройте скобки, используя подходящую форму инфинитива (с частицей to, без частицы to или с окончанием –ing)

1. I like (dance).
2. I'd like (dance).
3. He hates (get up) early.
4. I shall do all I can (help) you.
5. She made me (repeat) my words several times.
6. Try (take) an aspirin for your headache.
7. I saw him (enter) the room.
8. She did not let her mother (go) away.
9. We enjoy (sit) in the garden.
10. Do you like (listen) to good music?
11. Would you like (listen) to good music?
12. That funny scene made me (laugh).
13. I like (play) the guitar.
14. I remember (post) the letter yesterday.
15. My brother can (speak) French.
16. We had (put) on our overcoats because it was cold.
17. They wanted (cross) the river.
18. It is high time for you (go) to bed.
19. May I (use) your telephone?
20. He stopped (smoke) three month ago.
21. They heard the girl (cry) out with joy.
22. I would rather (stay) at home today.
23. He did not want (play) in the yard any more.
24. Would you like (go) to England?
25. This job means (work) long hours and not (earn) very much.
26. You look tired. You had better (go) home.
27. I wanted (speak) to Nick, but could not find his telephone number.
28. It is time (get) up.
29. Let me (help) you with your homework.
30, I was planning (do) a lot of things yesterday. I'd like (speak) to you.
31. I think I shall be able (solve) this problem.
32. What makes you (think) you are right?
33. He must (do) it.
34. Pete can't (concentrate) with the radio on.
35. We don't feel the earth (move).


Ответ дал: ChKe1992

Ответ: 1) I like dancing. 2) I'd like to dance. 3) He hates getting up early. 4) I shall do all I can to help you. 5) She made me repeat my words several times. 6) Try taking an aspirin for your headache. 7) I saw him enter the room. 8) She did not let her mother go away. 9) We enjoy sitting in the garden. 10) Do you like listening to good music? 11) Would you like to listen to good music? 12) That funny scene made me laugh. 13) I like playing the guitar. 14) I remember posting the letter yesterday. 15) My brother can speak French. 16) We had to put on our overcoats because it was cold. 17) They wanted to cross the river. 18) It is high(???) time for you to go to bed. 19) May I use your telephone? 20) He stopped smoking three months ago. 21) They heard the girl cry out with joy. 22) I would rather stay at home today. 23) He did not want to play in the yard anymore. 24) Would you like to go to England? 25) This job means working long hours and not earning very much. 26) You look tired. You had better go home. 27) I wanted to speak to Nick, but could not find his telephone number. 28) It is time to get up. 29) Let me help you with homework. 30) I was planning to do a lot of things yesterday. I'd like to speak to you. 31) I think I shall be able to solve this problem. 32) What makes you think you are right? 33) He must do it. 34) Pete can't concentrate with the radio on. 35) We don't feel the earth move.

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