Глаголы: come, don't speak,love, like , work,go,have,has,visit, speak, speaks, works
Jack Jones and his wife, Carla, who is Brazilian, both work at the
Mansfield Hotel in midtown Manhattan. Jack is a receptionist
and Carla works in the hotel bar.
Jack says: "Millions of people (1) visit New York every year. Our
hotel (2) 124 rooms, and visitors (3)
from all over
the world, especially from South America and Europe. I (4)
English, German, and Spanish. I (5)
Japanese, but I want
to learn it. Carla (6)
English and French and Portuguese,
of course. Our visitors (7) doing many things. They often
breakfast in the hotel, a continental breakfast of croissants
or bread, and espresso. Then perhaps after breakfast they visit the
Empire State Building and the Museum of Modern Art and
shopping at Macy's. They come back to the hotel at four
o'clock and have tea or cappuccino and relax. Then in the evening
they go to a Broadway show. Carla and I work long hours.
from six o'clock in the morning until three in the
afternoon, and Carla (11)
from six in the evening until one
in the morning, but we (12)
our work."


Ответ дал: vertu345

1.visit 2.has 3.come 4.speak 5.don't speak 6.speaks 7.like 8.have 9.go 10.work 11.works 12.love

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