56. Вставьте предлоги и наречия for, since, already, yet, just, never, ever 1. I've ... finished my homework but Mark is still doing his. 2. Jane hasn't been to the zoo ... 3. We haven't seen Julie ... March. 4. We've known each other ... years. 5. I've ... taken the cake out of the oven. It's still hot. 6. Not's ... been to Paris twice this year. 7. I have ... tasted Chinese food, but I want to. 8. Have you ... tried to climb a tree? 9. I haven't eaten anything turned the books to the library ...? 11. Dave's been ill ... three days. 12. We haven't got our exam results .... yesterday. ​


Ответ дал: goodboyilya2


1)Already / just 2)Yet 3)since 4)for 5)Already / just 6)Ever 7)Already / just 8)Ever 9)Yet 11)For / just 12)since


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