5 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 you / how / to / do / school/get
2 want /do /to do / you/this evening / what
3 brothers / you / how many / have / got / and sisters
4 your / when / birthday / is
5 you / do / live / where
6 do/play/you/ how often / computer games
7 you/what time / do /to bed / usually / go
8 skateboard / whose/this / is?​


Ответ дал: DifoniaCraz

1 How do you get to school?

2 What do you want  to do this evening?

3 How many brothers and sisters have you got?

4 When is your birthday?

5 Where do you live?

6 How often do you play computer games?

7 What time do you usually go to bed?

8 Whose skateboard is this ?

korkemmalik: 9-10-11???есть?)
DifoniaCraz: вы о чем?
onegoat: Ты нашел? Дай мне пж
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