Упр. 9.6. Составьте общие вопросы из следующих слов.

1. you, at school, do, did, English? 2. you, to become, want, an engineer, did? 3. see, the film, did, on TV, he, last Sunday? 4. finish, Ann's sister, five years ago, school, did? 5. the lessons, at 9 o'clock, did, begin? 6. any letters, get, yesterday, you, did? 7. build, they, did, the irrigation canal, last month? 8. grain crops, cultivate, this farm, did, here, ten years ago? 9. they, do, did, their, in time, work?


Ответ дал: marusyna


1 Did you do English at school?

2Did you want to become an engineer?

3 Did he see the film on TV last Sunday?

4Did Ann's sister finish school five years ago?

5Did the lessons begin at 9 o'clock?

6Did you get any letters yesterday?

7Did they build the irrig. canal last month?

8 Did this farm cultivate grain crops here ten years ago

9 Did they do their work in time?


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