Скласти 10 речень з числівниками 8 клас поможіть пожалуста


Ответ дал: sergeyscherbam7

Nine is the number I like.

I bought twelve eggs.

Four plus one are five.

We stopped reading at page fifty-five.

I have five the best friends.

Add three mango to five and you get 8 mango.

There are four of us: I, my brother, mother and father.

Six and seven is (are) thirteen.

Ответ дал: shurochko


1 I have two pets

2 My sister read six books this summer

3 This boy three candies

4 My cat has three toys

5 My father ran four kilometers this morning

6 She woke up at ten o’clock this morning

7 I am holding three cups

8 She likes four kinds of ice cream

9 He has eight pairs of shoes

10 They are eating eighth meal!


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