3 Complete the text with the past simple form of the correct
verb from each pair.
My great-grandfather
(live / move) to
England in 1947. He
(carry / marry)
my great-grandmother in 1950 and they
(start / stop) a family the next year.
(arrive / live) in a small house
in London. My great-grandfather 5
(want/work) for London Transport for twenty
(walk / want to be a
photographer. So in 1958, he?
(chat /
stop) working and
(travel / wait) the
world with his young family. Theyº
(interrupt / visit) more than a hundred different
countries. Years later, he 10
(describe /
like) his journey in a book. The photos are

78967679: 1 has 2 works 3 doesn't like 4 was 5 didn't have 6 sent 7 studied 8 lived 9 went 10 got


Ответ дал: 78967679


1 has  2 works 3 doesn't like  4 was 5 didn't have  6 sent  7 studied 8 lived 9 went  10 got


Ответ дал: akmaralmuratbai
1. moved
2. married
3. started
4. lived
5. worked
6. wanted
7. stopped
8. travelled
9. visited
10. described
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