Fill in with have got, has got, haven't got or hasn't got.
1.My best friend______a guitar but she______a piano.
2.We______a garden but we______a swimming pool.
3.Emma_______a doll but she_____a teddy bear.
4. Our teacher______a black blue bag.
5.Cats_____tails but they______big ears. ​


Ответ дал: akmaralmuratbai
1) has got / hasn’t got
2) have got / haven’t got
3) has got / hasn’t got
4) has got
5) have got / haven’t got
Ответ дал: thehfhugvicechairman


11 реченнь на вживання Past Simple and Past Continuous

When I.(come) home yesterday my mom . ( to cook) dinner."

We (to choose) the flowers when we (to see) Nick,

Witty (to write) a report from 5 till 8 yesterday.

While Maria.(to dust) the furniture her brother.....(to vacuum) carpets.

when the return home, children. (to sleep)

It (to get) dark when they...( to leave) the restaurant

What (to do) when I.( to phone) you yesterday?*

I (to prepare) for my exam when ...... (to hear) the news.

Where... Mike ...(to ride) when you to meet) hìm that afternoon?

My granny ..( to relax) when ..( to come) back.

It .....( to rain) when they.(to wake) up on Sunday.

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