Составить по 4 предложения с каждым словосочетанием (Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect): to make a cake to run a race to sit
to sing a song


Ответ дал: кристилала
1. She makes a cake every day.
She is making a cake.
She made a cake yesterday
She has made a cake every day this week
2. They run a race every week.
They are running a race at the moment.
They run a race yesterday
Have they ever run a race?
3.He sits on chair every day
He is sitting now.
He has sit there for the last 2 hours
4. I sing a song every morning.
I am singing a song now.
I sing a song last night.
Have you ever sing a song for her?

Аноним: СПАСИБ)))
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