1.Nick is( tall) than Mike. 2.This dog is(small) ihan the lion. 3.Nick is my good friend, but Mike is the(good) of all. 4.The Molga is the(long) river in Russia.5.Csts love their homes(good) than dogs. 6.July is the( hot) month in summer. 7.Olga is the(beautiful) girl ih our group. 8.This book is the(bad) of all. 9.The monkey are the(funny) animal. 10.Cattoons are(interesting) than films. поставить прилагательных в сравнителую или превосходную степень сравнения ​


Ответ дал: heyoitsme


1. taller 2. smaller 3. the best 4. the longest 5. better 6. the hottest 7. the most beautiful 8. the worst 9. the funniest 10. more interesting

Ответ дал: uclem2016


1. taller

2. smaller

3. best

4. longest

5. better

6. hotest

7. most beautiful

8 worst

9  funniest

10 more interesting

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