Употребите нужную форму местоимения:

1. Can you help … (she)? 2. … can speak English well (we). 3. This is … new vacuum cleaner (I). 4. They have all modern conveniences in … flat (they). 5. She is fond of gardening – she has a lot of beautiful and unusual flowers in… little tidy garden (she). 6. Teenagers often rebel against … parents (they). 7. When did you have … first kiss? (you). 8. … hair is blond and long (I). 9. What is … nationality?

(you) - … am Russian. (I). 10. Can you take this book for … (he). 11. Do you know … address? (he).


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Can you help HER?

2. WE can speak English well.

3. This is MY new vacuum cleaner.

4. They have all modern conveniences in THEIR flat.

5. She is fond of gardening – she has a lot of beautiful and unusual flowers in HER little tidy garden.

6. Teenagers often rebel against THEIR parents.

7. When did you have YOUR first kiss?

8. MY hair is blond and long.

9. What is YOUR nationality?- I am Russian.

10. Can you take this book for HIM?

11. Do you know HIS address?

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