Read Jahongir's interview with Jason and
write an article. Use Indirect Speech.
e.g. Jason said that he was interested in cars.
Jahongir: Good morning, Jason.
Jason: Good morning.
Jahongir: You're very interested in cars, aren't you?
Yes, that's right. In fact, I'm very excited
because I'm going to visit the Lotus sports
car factory today.
Jahongir: What will you do there?
I hope they'll take me for a test-drive in the
latest model. I'm going to interview the Managing Director
Jahongir: What's the most interesting thing there in the factory?
Jason: They have models of the cars. They'll give me one as a souvenir
I'm looking forward to my visit a lot.​

Аноним: привет
giffer41: привет


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