Приложение 1.
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Write the correct form of the adjective
1) My house is _______________ (big) than yours.
2) This flower is ______________________ (beautiful) than that one.
3) This is _______________________ (interesting) book I've ever read.
4) Non-smokers usually live _______________ (long) than smokers.
5) Which is _______________________ (dangerous) animal in the world?
6) A holiday by the sea is _______________ (good) than a holiday in the mountains.
7) Who is _______________ (rich) woman on earth?
8) The weather this summer is even _______________ (bad) than last summer.
9) He was _______________ (clever) thief of all.
10) China is the country with _______________ (large) population.


Ответ дал: solovovamina


1) bigger

2) more beautiful

3) the most interesting

4) longer

5) the most dangerous

6) better

7) the richest

8) worse

9) the cleverest

10) the largest

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