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Ответ дал: DivusCrewel


6 was sleeping, came

7 was cooking, brought

8 came, were sitting

9 was reading, sat

10 were reading, we were answering, were doing (не уверена)

ЭЛАЙТ: О, опять ты)
DivusCrewel: хахаах дада я тож такая сижу: о, неужто опять тот профиль?
DivusCrewel: заххахххв
Ответ дал: ЭЛАЙТ

6. He was sleeping when his mother came back.

7. On Monday while he was cooking lunch the postman brought him a letter from his friend.

8. When the teacher came into the classroom, the children were sitting at their desks.

9. One day while she was reading a book, a big black fly sat down on her book.

10. We were reading a text, then we were answering the teacher questions. After that we were doing grammar exercises.

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