Помогите по английскому
Fill the gaps with correct words from the box
blond hair,short,slim, beautiful,old, fat, thin, young, tall, handsome
1.A good looking woman is ____
2.______ people are above average height
3.______ people are below average height
4.______ is similar to thin
5.You are _____ when you are 50-60 years old.
6.A good looking man is ______

Аноним: другие я понял
Аноним: за этого не написал :D
Аноним: их
Аноним: за ранее спс :)))
Аноним: c:


Ответ дал: NyssaGrey


1.A good looking woman is _beautiful___

2.__tall____ people are above average height

3.__short____ people are below average height

4.___thin___ is similar to thin

5.You are __old___ when you are 50-60 years old.

6.A good looking man is ___handsome___


Аноним: Спасибо
Аноним: :D
NyssaGrey: 4.___slim___ is similar to thin, пропустила чуток извиняюсь
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