• Предмет: Алгебра
  • Автор: zanuzakovmadi935
  • Вопрос задан 2 года назад

досынын отбасын сипаттау агылшынан комектесип жибеиндерши солем курап жазу керек


Ответ дал: kamillaruslankyzy371


Until a friend bleeds from your nose,

Until a friend leaves you,

Until you have a friend,

Until a friend leaves the barn,

Which of the following is the image of the modern friends of the Kazakh people: "Until a friend dies"? What is a common friend? What is the role of friendship in life? Will your friend drag you to the grave or to the throne? Do I have a trusted friend in my community? These are questions that concern everyone. What exactly is this friendship? Let's talk about it first.

zanuzakovmadi935: улкен рахмет сизге Алла разы болсын
kamillaruslankyzy371: окасы жок
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