Correct the mistake in the sentence

2. The police catched them. __________________________________________
3. Many people dieed in the earthquake. _______________________________
4. Did she walked alone? ___________________________________________
5. Celia and I was best friends. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ ____________________
6. He losted his job. ________________________________________________
7. I goed to Zagreb yesterday. ________________________________________
8. My father tryed to repair his car yesterday afternoon. ____________________
9. Sarah weren’t happy last year. _____________________________________
10. She didn’t sold her house. _________________________________________


Ответ дал: crazyprincess1


2. ...CAUGHT (не catch)

3. DIED (не dieed)

4.WALK (не walked)

5. WERE (не was)

6. LOST (не losted)

7. WENT (не goed )

8. TRIED (не tryed)

9. WASN'T (не weren't)

10. SELL (не sold)

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