Вариант №4
1. Вставьте глагол to be:
1. There … white curtains on the windows.
2. … there … football matches next month?
3. There … two interesting films on TV last night.
4. There … much snow in the streets last winter.
5. There … a big dog and a lot of cats in our yard.
6. To the left of the door there … a mirror.
2. Вставьте some, any, по:
1. Give him … butter.
2. I don't want … jam.
3. Have you got … brothers? No, I haven't got…
4. She has got … pencils in her bag.
5. Are there … cinemas or theatres in your town?


Ответ дал: orozgulsyrgak37


1. Are

2. Are there be

3. was

4. were

5. are

6. is


1. some

2. any

3. any/ any

4. some

5. any

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