Ⅰ Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1 Although Paul and his brother did not show ( ) hostility towards each
other, their friends could tell they were on bad terms.
A clean B mischievous C overt D preventive
2 After finishing the splendid dinner, we spent the ( ) of the evening
talking to each other.
A latest B other C reminder D rest
3 Some local people were ( ) by the harmful chemicals which were
released into the river.
A addicted B affected C dispatched D trapped
4 When we got on the train, all the seats were ( ), so we had to stand
until we reached the next station.
A consumed B managed C notified D occupied
5 Their daughters are truly interested in one of the rare species that ( )
those islands.
A inhabit B live C localize D risk
6 If Alice had known Doug’s flight was going to be ( ) so long, she would
have come to the airport much later.
A delayed B delivered C late D waited
Nationality No.
(Please print your full name,
underlining your family name)
7 A suspicious-looking man had been seen in the ( ) of the bank shortly
before it was robbed yesterday.
A clearance B faculty C hindrance D vicinity
8 The famous nonfiction writer also wrote several novels under a ( ), but
only her family and her editor knew it.
A journalism B pseudonym C synonym D vandalism
9 Her colleagues believe that if the sales division ( ) market research on
it more thoroughly, the new product will sell much better than the previous one.
A conducts B finishes C relies D treats
10 Some critics say the 1990s saw what could be ( ) a computer revolution.
By the mid 1990s the number of people buying personal computers increased
A changed B coined C termed D viewed


Ответ дал: Енот2109


1) Overt - открытый, очевидный

2) rest - остаток

3) affected - задеты ( поражены )

4) occupied - заняты

5) inhabit - заселяют ( живут )

6) delayed - задержать ( рейс )

7) vicinity  - открестности

8) pseudonym - псевдоним

9) conducts - сделать опрос

10) termed - полагать


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