Помогите поставить глаголы в правильной форме, пожалуйста
1. My elder sister (travel) around Scotland now. She always (travel) in summer.

2. Who you (wait) for? – I (wait) for Ann, she must come in ten minutes.

3. London (stand) on the river Thames.

4. Russian people (celebrate) the Victory Day on the 9th of May. It is a popular national holiday in Russia.

5. My dad (not work) at the moment. Today is his day off.

6. Why is it so noisy out-of-doors? Our neighbours (have) a party. They always (organise) parties in spring in the open air, when the weather is warm.

7. Usually the Englishmen (live) in their own houses not flats.

8. I can’t give you the book about British customs and traditions, because my brother (use) it. He (need) it now, he (prepare) a report for the English class on Monday.

9. Silvia is in America for three months. She (learn) English.

10. Ben is in London now. He (stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He always (stay) there when he is in London.​


Ответ дал: shevchenkoeg


1. is travelling / travels 2. are you waiting for? / wait 3. stands 4. celebrate 5. is not working 6. have organise 7 live 8 uses /needs / is preparing 9 is learning 10. is staying / stays


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