24 Circle the correct word or phrase.
1 You need to be fit to become a stunt man.
You as well / also need to be daring.
2 Surgeons work long hours. They work under
pressure too / however.
3 Angela has red hair and / but freckles.
4 Alex is a really easy-going person. He's very
polite as well / on the other hand.
5 Heart surgeons get paid well. On the other
hand / And, their work is stressful.
6 This jumper fits you perfectly. Too /
However, the colour doesn't really suit you. Помогите пожалуйста, очень надо​


Ответ дал: MaryScott


1. also

2. too

3. and

4. as well

5. on the other hand

6. however

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