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Ответ дал: twiundertale

1. I need to get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow.

2. I could speak foreign languages.

3. I can't play musical instruments.

4. I may speak when you were two years old.

5. I shouldn't return home late at night

6. I have to help parents.

7. I need to study hard.

8. I must take exams two times a year.

9. I have to go to the university every day.

10. I mustn't smoke.

RSE3: Спасибо
Ответ дал: cherrygrunge
I shouldn’t get up at 7o’clock tomorrow.
I must speak....
I can play...
May I...
I shouldn’t...
I must...
I can...
I have to...
I need...
I can

RSE3: Спасибо
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