23 Watch or listen to the teenagers. Match the sentences (1-6) with the music or
people in the box.
disco the Beatles punk Michael Jackson classical and pop no music
1 My parents liked really different things.
2 They were more into fashion, especially my mum.
3 There are no photos, so I don't really know.
4 My grandmother still remembers seeing a famous group.
5 They still listen to the music and do the dances!
6 They looked the same and wore the same clothes.


Ответ дал: 1092867


1) classical and pop

2)no music


4)the Beatles

5)Michael Jackson


azeke19: правильно?
1092867: да
1092867: мне 5 за это поставили
azeke19: спасибо большое
azeke19: ты лучший
anel3930: пасиба❤️
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