Помогите 20 минут у меня
Present Simple

1. She ....... milk.
a. don't drink
b. drinks
c. Drink

2. My father ....... TV.
a. watches
b. watch
c. watchs

3. Sam ....... hard.
a. studies
b. study
c. studys

4. A pianist ...... the piano.
a. play
b. plays
c. don't play

5. They ........ orange juice.
a. drinks
b. doesn't drink
c. drink

6. Mark ....... English.
a. speaks
b. don't speak
c. speak

7. We ........ near the school.
a. live
b. lives
c. doesn't live

8. Mary and Sue ....... to the cinema.
a. goes
b. doesn't go
c. don't go

9. Mark ....... cakes.
a. don't love
b. doesn't love
c. love

10. He ...... football.
a. doesn't play
b. don't play


Ответ дал: zazikcom
1b 2a 3a 4b 5c 6a 7a 8c 9b 10a
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