Доповніть речення, використовуючи відповідний ступінь порівняння прикметника:
1. The weather is hot today, but it was ________ yesterday. 2. My hair is light, but my brother’s hair is __________ . 3. These dishes are clean, but those dishes are _________ . 4. An orange is sweet, but a lemon _________ . 5. This suitcase is heavy, but that suitcase is _________ . 6. Linda is tall, but her sister is _______ . 7. This street is narrow, but that street is_____ .8. This exercise is easy, but that exercise is _________ . 9. A chicken is stupid, but a human being is _______ . 10. A kitten is weak, but a horse is _________ . 11. Dick is fat, but his brother is _______ . 12. This answer is right, but that answer is ________ . 13. Tom is hard-working, but his brother is __________ .


Ответ дал: pyrharina07


1. hotter

2. lighter

3. cleaner

4. sweeter

5. heavier

6. taller

7. narrower

8. easier

9. stupier

10. weaker

11. fater

12. righter

13. more hard-working

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